Sponsor an Event
Sponsoring one or a series of events at the Cultural Center is a strategic way to bring your needs in line with market exposure and fun for your clients or employees! Major exhibits, concerts by world-class touring artists, festivals, and many other high-profile opportunities are available for sponsorship. We would be happy to provide details about such opportunities and how we can work with your business to maximize exposure.
Adopt a Classroom
Did you know that the Cultural Center provides FREE exhibition space for school-age children? Imagine seeing a child’s face as she brings her grandparents in to see her very own work hanging in the galleries next to some of the Cape’s finest artists. Your support makes these opportunities possible and leaves a lasting impression on budding artists! $500 per classroom exhibition.
If you have questions about sponsorship, please contact Molly Demeulenaere at mollyd@cultural-center.org, 508-394-7100.
We're proud to share the generous support that our Cultural Center received in 2023 from various corporations and foundations. Thanks to their contributions, we were able to fund our operating budget, educational programs, special events and exhibitions, as well as a number of community-wide programs. We're grateful for their partnership in helping us fulfill our mission of promoting the arts and culture in our community.


The Center is truly appreciative of the generous and continuous support received through the Local Cultural Council (LCC) Program, which greatly enhances the cultural experience for all communities in Massachusetts. We are proud to share that the Bourne Cultural Council, Brewster Cultural Council, Dennis Arts and Culture Council, Eastham Culture Council, Falmouth Culture Council, Harwich Culture Council, Mid-Cape Cultural Council, Orleans Culture Council, Provincetown Culture Council, Truro Culture Council, and Wellfleet Culture Council have all contributed to the funding of the Center. Their support is invaluable and has allowed us to continue our mission of promoting the arts and enriching the lives of individuals across the state.